Participate in OpenC2 development and Use

Cyber security professionals involved in cyber-defense technology development and integration are encouraged to use OpenC2 TC technical artifacts (e.g., the language specification and actuator profiles) when developing C2 capabilities for cyber-defense.

You can also get involved in the OASIS OpenC2 technical committee to contribute to the on-going development and evolution of the standards. OpenC2 is documented using three types of documents:

  • Overarching documents: describe the broad capabilities of OpenC2 and the approach to using it. These are the Language Specification and the OpenC2 Architecture.
  • Actuator Profiles: these map the OpenC2 language to the capabilities associated with specific cyber-defense functions. The OpenC2 TC has published an OASIS Committee Specification for the Stateless Packet Filtering AP, and several more are in development.
  • Transfer Specifications: these document how OpenC2 messages are moved between Producers and Consumers using industry-standard protocols. The OpenC2 TC has published OASIS Committee Specifications for message transfer via MQTT and HTTPS.

OpenC2 technical artifacts (AKA Work Products) under development are housed in GitHub.